Cassia + Thyme Essential Oil Combination

To enhance the effects of Cassia oil (supporting immunity or…

Better Sleep With Lavender Essential Oil

2 quick tips for better sleep: Stop using your phone up…

Rosemary And Frankincense Bath

If you love a rejuvenating bath, try combining Rosemary with…

Essential Oil Fruit Salad Dressing 

Looking for a scrumptious twist on a plain fruit salad this summer?…

Improve Your Game With Essential Oils

For all you athletes (and non-athletes too), it is so important…

Breathe Essential Oils To Fight Seasonal Threats

If seasonal or environmental threats have you down, the doTERRA…

Detoxifying With Essential Oils

Each of the oils included in Zendocrine - Tangerine, Rosemary,…

Wild Orange Essential Oil For An Emotional Boost

Feeling down? Diffusing Wild Orange or rubbing it on your…

Natural Deoderant from doTERRA

Did you know that most deodorants sold in stores are filled with…

Lavender Essential Oil for Hormone Balance Support

New research suggests that Lavender essential oil may help to…