Repel Those Pesky Insects with Essential Oils

Did you know that Lemongrass oil naturally repels insects? As…

Invigorate Your Senses

When you find a lip balm you love, you never go back. I love…

Stretch Your Muscles

For all you athletes (and non-athletes too), it is so important…

Popularity Contest

There’s a reason Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint are some of…

Reduce Sad Feelings 

The linalool found in Cilantro can help reduce sad feelings when…

A Restful Night's Sleep

If you find yourself unable to sleep, try putting Clary Sage…

Monday Blues

Do you have the Monday blues? There’s nothing a massage with…

Post-Workout Relief With Essential Oils

Cool down after a hard workout by diffusing Lemongrass. No matter…

Vegan Tummy Tamer

Vegan Microplex VMz is now available! It provides the same benefits…

Easy Skin-Soothing Essential Oil Blend

Put 10 drops each of Frankincense, Melaleuca, and Lavender in…